Recommended oils and methods for frying croquettes

Natural Peanut Oil for frying croquettes
Natural Peanut Oil for frying croquettes
Natural Peanut Oil

Peanut oil, naturally-flavored, is the best deep-frying oil to achieve a crispy crust on the croquettes. Refined peanut oil doesn’t smoke up to temperatures of 450F and actually enhances the flavor of the croquettes.

Canola oil also has a high burning point, and is ideal for deep-frying. In addition, it has many health benefits. The same can be said for Soybean oil.

Croquettes should be thawed or partially thawed before deep-frying. Best temperature for deep-frying croquettes is between 325F and 350F.

Electric fryers are recommended so that temperatures can be monitored closely. If using the stovetop, choose a deep pot, leaving at least 3 inches of space above the oil. This allows for a safety margin when the oil bubbles as the croquettes are placed in the hot oil. To check whether the oil is hot enough, place a small piece of bread in the oil, if it sizzles, the oil is ready.

Using a utensil, carefully lower the croquettes, one at a time, in the hot oil. Do not overcrowd the fryer. To prevent injuries, be careful not to splash the oil. Monitor the frying process at all times. Do not cover the fryer or pot.

When the croquettes are golden-brown, after about 4-5 minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon. Place on a paper towel to absorbexcess oil. 

Croquettes can be re-heated in 350F oven for about 15 min.